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cleverClassifier documentation

Introduction to the cleverClassifier
Internal workings
Output interpretation
System requirements

Introduction to the cleverClassifier

The tool uses datasets already processed by the cleverMachine to create assignation of another dataset to either the positive or negative class.

Internal workings

The cleverClassifier uses the output of the scale combination phase of the cleverMachine's operation. The model consists of a selection of scales which contained most information for the dataset as well as actual scale value - for example, it may contain hydrophobicity scales with direction towards the positive set.

All of the information is then combined together to form a complete model which is able to assign a new dataset to either be closer to positive or negative class of the model.

Input data

The cleverClassifier takes a FASTA dataset as an input with a reference number to a cleverMachine model.

Output interpretation

Please see the tutorial section of the documentation.

System requirements

The tool's result can in theory be viewed in any modern browser, however, it is only fully tested in following browsers:

If you experience any problems, please first try updating your browser to the latest version. The only version of the Internet Explorer that is theoretically capable of displaying the result is 10, the latest at the time of writing.