catGRANULE Tutorial

Submission form
Interpreting the output

catGRANULE Tutorial

catGRANULE is an algorithm for prediction of granules formation in yeast.

Submission form

As soon as catGRANULE is launched, the server generates automatically a unique Submission reference number. The user can optionally supply a custom Submission label and an Email address to receive the notification of job completion. The user is asked to upload one or more protein sequences in FASTA format (Protein sequences).

Once the job has been submitted by click the Submit Query button, the link to the result page will be provided. In addition, the user can pre-populate the form by using an illustrative case (Sample data): MIP6 granules formation propensity - (Bolognesi et al. Cell Reports 2016)

Interpreting the output

Let’s try catGRANULE with the provided example. Click on the link MIP6 granules formation propensity. FASTA sequences of yeast MIP6 protein will be uploaded. By submitting the query, granule formation propensity will be predicted. Once the prediction is completed, the result page will present a summary of the job:

The output consists of a table listing the Propensity score of MIP, the Proteome distribution as cumulative distribution function (CDF), and the Propensity profile. Proteome distribution and Propensity profile can be downloaded by clicking the corresponding links.

Proteome distribution (CDF)

Propensity profile


Here, we report performance of catGRANULE algorithm on 120 Granule forming genes (Mitchell et al. 2013) (Area Under the ROC Curve, AUC: 0.86) and on an independent test set of 64 Granule related genes (retrieved by a QuickGO search with query granules) (AUC: 0.72).