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- Arnal Segura M , Bini G, Krithara A, Paliouras G, Tartaglia GG Machine learning methods applied to classify complex diseases using genomic data
- bioRxiv. 2024. Abstract
- Cipriano A#, Colantoni A#, Gomes D, Moqri M, Parker A, Caldwell M, Briganti F, Fiorentino J, Roncarolo MG, Baldini A, Weinacht KG, Tartaglia GG *, Sebastiano V *. Multi-omics analysis reveals a crucial role for Retinoic Acid in promoting epigenetic and transcriptional competence of an in vitro model of human Pharyngeal Endoderm
- bioRxiv. 2022. Abstract
- Dasti A, Antonelli M, Arnal M, Armaos A, Bonnin S, Graf T, Paronetto M, Tian T, Bechara E*, Tartaglia GG*. The RNA-Binding Protein SAM68 regulates cardiomyocyte differentiation by enhancing Gata4 translation
- bioRxiv. 2022. Abstract
- Fiorentino J , Armaos A, Colantoni A, Tarataglia GG,
Prediction of protein-RNA interactions from single-cell transcriptomic data
- Nucleic Acids Research 2023. Abstract
- Schwarzl T#, Sahadevan S# , Lang B#, Miladi M, Backofen R, Huber W, Hentze MW*, Tartaglia GG*
Improved discovery of RNA-binding protein binding sites in eCLIP data using DEWSeq
- Nucleic Acids Research 2023. Abstract
- Armaos A #, Serra F# , Nunez-Carpintero I, Seo JI, Baca SC, Gustincich S, Valencia A, Freedman ML, Cirillo D*, Giambartolomei C *, Tartaglia GG *
The PENGUIN approach to reconstruct protein interactions at enhancer-promoter regions and its application to prostate cancer
- Nature Communications 2023. Abstract
- Delli Ponti R, Broglia L*, Vandelli A, Armaos A, Torrent M, Sanchez N, Tartaglia GG. A high-throughput approach to predict A-to-I effects on RNA structure indicates a change of double-stranded content in non-coding RNAs
- IUBMB Life 2022. Abstract
- Zacco E#, Kantelberg O#, Milanetti E, Armaos A, Panei FP, Gregory J, Jeacock K, Clarke DJ, Chandran S, Ruocco G, Gustincich S, Horrocks MH, Pastore A, Tartaglia GG. Probing TDP-43 condensation using an in silico designed aptamer
- Nature Communications. 2022. Abstract
- Miotto M, Armaos A, Di Rienzo L, Ruocco G, Milanetti M, Tartaglia GG. Thermometer: a webserver to predict protein thermal stability
- Bioinformatics. 2022. Abstract
- Monti M, Fiorentino J, Milanetti M, Gosti G, Tartaglia GG. Prediction of gene expression time series and structural analysis of gene regulatory networks using recurrent neural networks
- Entropy. 2022. Abstract
- Armaos A#, Colantoni A.#, Prioetti G., Rupert J,, Tartaglia GG. catRAPID omics v2.0: going deeper and wider in the prediction of protein-RNA interactions
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2021. Abstract
- Delli Ponti R, Armaos A, Vandelli A, Tartaglia GG. CROSSalive: a web server for predicting the in vivo structure of RNA molecules
- Bioinformatics. 2019. Abstract
- Delli Ponti R, Armaos A, Marti S, Tartaglia GG. A Method for RNA Structure Prediction Shows Evidence for Structure in lncRNAs
- Frontiers Mol. Biosc. 2018. Abstract
- Lang B, Armaos A, Tartaglia GG.
RNAct: Protein-RNA interaction predictions for model organisms with supporting experimental data
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2018. Abstract
- Armaos A, Cirillo D, Tartaglia GG. omiXcore: a web server for prediction of protein interactions with large RNA
- Bioinformatics. 2017. Abstract
- Cirillo D, Blanco M, Armaos A, Buness A, Avner P, Guttman M, Cerase A, Tartaglia GG. Quantitative predictions of protein interactions with long noncoding RNAs
- Nat Methods. 2017. Abstract
- Delli Ponti R, Marti S, Armaos A, Tartaglia GG. A high-throughput approach to profile RNA structure
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2017. Abstract
- Bolognesi B, Lorenzo Gotor N, Dhar R, Cirillo D, Baldrighi M, Tartaglia GG*, Lehner B*. A Concentration-Dependent Liquid Phase Separation Can Cause Toxicity upon Increased Protein Expression
- Cell Reports. 2016. Abstract
- Klus P, Delli Ponti R, Livi C, Tartaglia GG. Protein aggregation, structural disorder and RNA-binding ability: a new approach for physico-chemical and gene ontology classification of multiple datasets
- BMC Genomics. 2015. Abstract
- Livi CM, Klus P, Delli Ponti R, Tartaglia GG. catRAPID signature: identification of ribonucleoproteins and RNA-binding regions
- Bioinformatics. 2015. Abstract
- Cirillo D, Botta-Orfila T, Tartaglia GG. By the company they keep: interaction networks define the binding ability of transcription factors
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2015. Abstract
- Agostini F, Cirillo D, Delli Ponti R, Tartaglia GG. SeAMotE: a method for high-throughput motif discovery in nucleic acid sequences
- BMC Genomics. 2014. Abstract
- Agostini F, Cirillo D, Livi CM, Delli Ponti R, Tartaglia GG. ccSOL omics: a webserver for solubility prediction of endogenous and heterologous expression in E. coli.
- Bioinformatics. 2014. Abstract
- Klus P, Bolognesi B, Agostini F, Marchese D, Zanzoni A, Tartaglia GG. The cleverSuite Approach for Protein Characterization: Predictions of Structural Properties, Solubility, Chaperone Requirements and RNA-Binding Abilities.
- Bioinformatics. 2014; Abstract
- Agostini F, Zanzoni A, Klus P, Marchese M, Cirillo D, Tartaglia GG. catRAPID omics: a web server for large-scale prediction of protein-RNA interactions.
- Bioinformatics. 2013; Abstract
- Agostini F, Vendruscolo M, Tartaglia GG. Sequence-based prediction of protein solubility. [CCSOL]
- J Mol Biol. 2012;421(2-3):237-41. Abstract
- Bellucci M, Agostini F, Masin M, Tartaglia GG. Predicting protein associations with long noncoding RNAs.
- Nat Methods. 2011; 8(6):444-5. Abstract
- Luige J#, Armaos A S#, Tartaglia GG*, Orom UA*
Identification and prediction of G-quadruplex RNA-binding proteins with roles in transcription and phase separation
- Nucleic Acids Research 2024. Abstract
- Rupert J, Monti M, Zacco E, Tartaglia GG.
ARNA sequestration driven by amyloid formation: the alpha synuclein case
- Nucleic Acids Reseearch 2023. Abstract
- Giambruno R #, Zacco E #, Ugolini C, Vandelli A, Mulroney L, D'Onghia M, Criscuolo E, Castelli M, Clementi N, Clementi M, Mancini N, Bonaldi T, Gustincich S, Leonardi T, Tartaglia GG *, Nicassio F *.
Unveiling the role of PUS7-mediated pseudouridylation in host protein interactions specific for the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome
- Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 2023 Abstract
- Vandelli A, Vocino G, Tartaglia GG. Phase Separation Drives SARS-CoV-2 Replication: A Hypothesis
- Front Mol Biosci. 2022. Abstract
- Arnal M, Bini G, Fernandez D, Samaras E, Kassis M, Aisopos F, Rambla De Argila J, Paliouras G, Garrard P, Giambartolomei C, Tartaglia GG. Machine learning methods applied to genotyping data capture interactions between single nucleotide variants in late onset Alzheimer’s disease
- Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2022. Abstract
- Vandelli A, Cid-Samper F, Burgas M. T., Sanchez de Groot N., Tartaglia G.G. The Interplay Between DisorderedRegions in RNAs and ProteinsModulates Interactions Within StressGranules and Processing Bodies
- JMB. 2021. Abstract
- Avolio R., Bechara E., Tartaglia GG The quest for long non-coding RNAs involved in aging
- Nature Aging, 2021, Abstract

- Monti M, Armaos A., Fantini M., Pastore A., Tartaglia GG. Aggregation is a context-dependent constraint on protein evolution
- Front. Mol. Biosci. 2021. Abstract

- Monti M, Guiducci G., Paone A., Rinaldo S., Giardina G., Liberati R., Cutruzzola F., Tartaglia GG. Modelling of SHMT1 riboregulation predicts dynamic changes of serine and glycine levels across cellular compartments
- CSBJ. 2021. Abstract
- Armaos A, Zacco E, Sanchez de Groot N., Tartaglia GG RNA-protein interactions: Central players in coordinationof regulatory networks
- BioEssays 2020, bies. 2020. PDF

- Vandelli A, Monti M, Milanetti E, Armaos A, Rupert J, Zacco E, Bechara E, Delli Ponti R, Tartaglia GG Structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 and prediction of the human interactome
- Nucleic Acid Res. 2020, PDF
. bioarXiv. 2020. PDF 
- Lorenzo Gotor N, Armaos A, Calloni G., Burgas M. T., Vabulas M.R., Sanchez de Groot N., Tartaglia G.G. RNA-Binding and Prion Domains: The Yin and Yang of Phase Separation
- Nucleic Acid Res. 2020. PDF

- Alriquet M., Calloni G., Martínez-Limón A., Delli Ponti R, Hanspach G., Hengesbach M., Tartaglia GG, Vabulas M.R. The Protective Role of m1A During Stress-Induced Granulation
- J Mol Cell Biol. 2020. Abstract

- Sanchez de Groot N*, Armaos A*, Grana-Montes R, Alriquet M, Calloni G, Vabulas M, Tartaglia GG. RNA structure drives interaction with proteins
- Nature Communications. 2019. Abstract
- Cerase A*, Armaos A*, Neumayer C, Avner P, Guttman M, Tartaglia GG. Phase separation drives X-chromosome inactivation: a hypothesis
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2019. Abstract
- Zacco E, Grana Montes R, Martin S, Sanchez de Groot N, Alfano C, Tartaglia GG, Pastore A. RNA as a key factor in driving or preventing self-assembly of the TAR DNA-binding protein 43
- JMB 2019. Abstract
- Cid-Samper F, Gelabert Baldrich M, Lang B, Lorenzo Gotor N, Delli Ponti R, Severijnen L, Bolognesi B, Gelpi E, Hukema T, Botta-Orfila T, Tartaglia GG. An Integrative Study of Protein-RNA Condensates Identifies Scaffolding RNAs and Reveals Players in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome
- Cell Reports. 2018. Abstract
- Ribeiro D, Zanzoni A, Cipriano A, Delli Ponti R, Spinelli L, Ballarino M, Bozzoni I, Tartaglia GG, Brun C. Protein complex scaffolding predicted as a prevalent function of long non-coding RNAs
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2017. Abstract
- Marchese D, Botta Orfila T, Cirillo D, Rodriguez JA, Livi C, Fernández-Santiago R, Ezquerra M, Martí M, Bechara E, Tartaglia GG. Discovering the 3′ UTR-mediated regulation of alpha-synuclein
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2017. Abstract
- Botta Orfila T, Bodi L, Marti S, Kovacs G, Grau-Rivera O, Lozano M, Sánchez-Valle R, Muñoz E, Valldeoriola F, Pagonabarraga J, Tartaglia GG, Milà. Neuronal intranuclear (hyaline) inclusion disease and fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome: a morphological and molecular dilemma.
- Brain 2017. Abstract
- Lobanov MY, Klus P, Sokolovsky IV, Tartaglia GG, Galzitskaya OV. Non-random distribution of homo-repeats: links with biological functions and human diseases.
- Scientifc Reports 2016. Abstract
- Klus P, Cirillo D, Botta Orfila T, Tartaglia GG. Neurodegeneration and Cancer: Where the Disorder Prevails.
- Scientifc Reports 2015. Abstract
- Cirillo D, Marchese D, Agostini F, Livi CM, Botta-Orfila MT, Tartaglia GG. Constitutive patterns of gene expression regulated by RNA-binding proteins.
- Genome Biology. 2014. Abstract
- Zanzoni A, Marchese D, Agostini F, Bolognesi B, Cirillo D, Botta-Orfila MT, Livi CM Rodriguez-Mulero S, Tartaglia GG. Principles of Self-Organization in Biological Pathways: A Hypothesis on the Autogenous Association of Alpha-Synuclein.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2013. Abstract
- Cirillo D, Agostini F, Klus P, Marchese D, Rodriguez S, Bolognesi B, Tartaglia GG. Neurodegenerative Diseases: Quantitative Predictions of Protein-RNA Interactions.
- RNA 2013. Abstract
- Agostini F, Cirillo D, Bolognesi B, Tartaglia GG. X-inactivation: quantitative predictions of protein interactions in the Xist network. [catRAPID]
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2013. Abstract
- Iglesias-Platas I, Martin-Trujillo A, Cirillo D, Court F, Guillaumet-Adkins A, Camprubi C, Bourc'his D, Hata K, Feil R, Tartaglia GG, Arnaud P, Monk D. Characterization of novel paternal ncRNAs at the Plagl1 locus, including Hymai, predicted to interact with regulators of active chromatin. [catRAPID]
- PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38907. Abstract
Reviews / general information
- Zacco E, Broglia L, Kurihara M, Monti M, Gustincich S, Pastore A, Plath K, Nagakawa S, Cerase A, Sanchez de Groot N, Tartaglia GG. RNA: The Unsuspected Conductor in the Orchestra of Macromolecular Crowding
- Chemical Reviews 2024 PDF

- Cerase A., Calabrese JM, Tartaglia GG. Phase separation drives X-chromosome inactivation.
- Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2022 PDF

- Haify SN, Botta-Orfila T, Hukema RK, Tartaglia GG. In silico, in vitro, and in vivo Approaches to Identify Molecular Players in Fragile X Tremor and Ataxia Syndrome.
- Front Mol Biosci. 2020 PDF

- Cerase A., Tartaglia GG. Long non-coding RNA-polycomb intimate rendezvous.
- Open Biol. 2020 PDF

- Colantoni A, Rupert J, Vandelli A, Tartaglia GG, Zacco E. Zooming in on protein-RNA interactions: a multi-level workflow to identify interaction partners.
- Biochem Soc Trans. 2020 PDF

- Dast A, Cid-Samper F, Bechara E, Tartaglia GG. RNA-centric approaches to study RNA-protein interactions in vitro and in silico.
- Methods. 2020 PDF

- Marchese D, Sanchez de Groot N, Lorenzo Gotor N, Livi CM, Tartaglia GG. Advances in the characterization of RNA-binding proteins.
- WIREs. 2016. Abstract
- Tartaglia GG. The Grand Challenge of Characterizing Ribonucleoprotein Networks.
- Front. Mol. Biosci. 2016. Abstract
- Botta-Orfila T, Tartaglia GG, Michalon A. Molecular Pathophysiology of Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome and Perspectives for Drug Development.
- Cerebellum. 2016. Abstract
- Cirillo D, Livi CM, Agostini F, Tartaglia GG. Discovery of Protein-RNA Networks.
- Molecular BioSystems. 2014. Abstract
- Johnson R, Noble W, Tartaglia GG, Buckley NJ. Neurodegeneration as an RNA disorder.
- Prog Neurobiol. 2012 Dec;99(3):293-315. Abstract
- Cirillo D, Agostini F, Tartaglia GG. Predictions of protein–RNA interactions.
- WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2012. Abstract
Book Chapters
- Marchese D, Livi CM, Tartaglia GG. A Computational Approach for the Discovery of Protein-RNA Networks.
- Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1358:29-39. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3067-8_2. Abstract
- Bolognesi B, Tartaglia GG. Physicochemical principles of protein aggregation.
- Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 2013. Abstract